Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My thoughts on "We"

Alright, for my first marking period post I'm just gonna say a little something about We and One State. I liked the book. Dystopia can be an extremely boring repetitive genre of literature in general but We really hit me in the brain chords. Actually made me think about society for a minute or two. Not to mention We is pretty much the great grand-pappy of all these other little piglet dystopia novels running about acting like their cool. I swear to god, Brave New World is literally We with drugs, Henry Ford, and punctual Englishmen. George Orwell literally read We a few months before he wrote his much more famous novel 1984, and out right stated he was using it as "a model".  I could probably write my own dystopia novel in a jiffy. All you need is Communism, adventurous (I'm not like everyone else; ahh!) protagonist, and a dash of futuristic technology and you're good to go!

Back to the subject at hand. I think One State is a good thing. Seriously. I shall hereby dedicate my URL to this notion!

First of all, Yevgeny Zamyatin was inspired to write We after seeing the Russian Revolution. Yevgeny got all frightened his rights were at stake, so he went and wrote a book about it.(Or maybe he was just reading too much Wells)  Lots of folks get scared of the big bad Soviet Union and write books about it (see above); When in all reality, The Soviet Union was the first Russian state to actually utilize the countries vast resources, and in a matter of years, transformed a wayward half-feudal state with Serfs, nobles and czars,  into the world's second largest superpower!  Say what you will about the evils of Communism and Stalin and the like but hey, results can't be ignored. Each place needs a different solution. Not every country can adopt America's great free market capitalist system and be super duper well off...... Just ask the third world.

Rooted fundamentally in the fabric of One State is the greater good and logic. The individual not having any rights in One State isn't because One State is pure evil, it is because the individual is sacrificed for the good of the collective. I think that is a fundamentally good idea. One State doesn't operate on the basis of individual needs, selfishness, or any other petty human emotion. One State operates on the basis of pure efficiency.

Now let's take One State and do a little compare contrast with our society today. The United States is a financial mess, the democratic bodies such as Congress and the like are in a state of total inaction, Special interest groups and billionaires use their economic clout to control the nation's decisions - whilst they accumulate enough money to feed the third world 10 times over. And they are all protected by the sanctity of "individual rights". Individual rights, which protects the billionaires who own this country while the poor starve. Individual rights, which gives the banks free reign on all property in America.  Couple these rights with Democracy and you've got this huge, inefficient mess where very few prosper and billions live in poverty, globally.

This is our perfect system of governance. The capitalist "democracy". It isn't a Republican or a Democrat problem. The problem is rooted much, much deeper than that. Any alternatives to our glorious system is dismissed as Communism or Fascism; which are really nothing more but buzzwords at this point to scare people.

Now take One State. With Individual rights eliminated, there is only the will of the collective. No one man rises above to dominate his peers. No one man manipulates society for his own gain. Everyone works for each other, and by extension for themselves. All as one. Sounds zen to me. One State is governed by pure mathematical reason; as opposed to America which is governed by who has the biggest coin purse, and what number of idiots decided to vote for their favorite millionaire. One State is fluid motion, America is diffuse confusion.

Of course someone would naturally say, "What about Free Will? Everyone's turned to a machine in One State! No freedom! It's inhuman!" I'll respond to this very realistic looking straw man I've created with this: Do you really want to be human? There I said it. I don't know if you've noticed this but being human sucks! Emotions always running through your head, bad decisions, general irrationality, uncontrollable impulses and desires. If you stop and think about all that stuff logically, being human is really restricting. To think with the clarity of a machine.. to act with perfect reasoning.. That is transcending your humanity. It's becoming something more. Just look at D-503. Everything was cool 'till he became human. He was happy. He had freedom FROM worry, irrationality and all those unsavory things. Then he let all that stuff creep back in and BAM life sucked.  Having your humanity torn from you isn't slavery.. It's liberation.

Welp there's my thoughts. Hope it wasn't too preachy.